
Growing Up

"One, two, th..fffree, four, five, six, seven, aaa..iiight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, fer.., thhhhirteen, ffourteen, ......" Nick practicing his numbers.

We are working on the "th" sound vs. the "f" sound. He is doing great. We looked at flash cards and had a fun time. I love watching them learn and grow.

Poor Nick has had to do a lot of growing up this year, it has not been "fun" all the time. School is sometimes about work, hard work. Other kids are not always nice and not everyone always likes you. Surgery is no fun even if you get gifts and icecream. It is not always comfortable to understand something in a new way, such as adoption.

He has yet to loose any of his baby teeth and tells me he doesn't want to. We have had a few talks about not being able to stop growing from happening and that it is a good thing not a bad thing. I'm not sure he believes me though. :-)

I get to feeling the same way sometimes. Growing takes a while, it isn't always comfortable, and I wish it would be done in an instant. But think of all the moments that would be missed. I think God enjoys watching His children grow and learn just as much as I do. He is smiling too, He is proud, His heart swells with love and admiration as He watches us take those wobbly steps, as we have those "Ah, ha!" moments, and as we look surprised and realize " I did it!", and as we fall down and get back up.

Can't you hear Him? "That was great! You've been working hard. I knew you could do it! I'm so proud of you!"

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